Superconducting Energy Gap

BCS theory predicts

\[ k_BT_C=1.14\hbar\omega_De^{-1/N(0)V} \]

\[ 2\Delta(0)=3.53 k_BT_C \]

where \(T_C\) is the critical temperature of a superconductor, and \(\Delta\) is the superconducting energy gap.

Models on Normal State & Superconductor Junction

  • Andreev Reflection
  • B. T. K Model
Adreev Reflection vs. B. T. K Model

Andreev Reflection

B.T.K Model

\[ \text{Andreev Reflection} \stackrel{Z\neq0}{\longrightarrow} \text{B. T. K Model} \]

where \(Z\) is the effective barrier.

impact of different Effective Barrier Z on the conductance
conductance under different Inelastic Scatttering \Gamma
conductance under different Superconducting Energy Gap \Delta

PCS Experimental Setup

Experimental Setup


Conductance-Voltage Curve with Different Temperatures. (a)3.8K (b) 5.5K (c) 7.9K (d) 9.5K